
NPR Interviews Keith Jarrett: 'I Want the Imperfections to Remain'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/28/2013 12:07:14 am PDT

Though there have been a few news articles about creationism the past week, almost all of them have focused on that one Ohio school board.

Overall, the topic seems quiet for the time being.

My guess is that the creationists are too busy fighting other fires in their not-quite-ecumenical culture wars.

The political energy behind this has tired.

We might be in for a long “heat death” of the general worldview that relied on the easy answers of creationism, damnation, and salvation.

The bible thumping tea-partying crowd is not exactly a youth movement. It will die out. Literally. However, they are still potent in the hands of the super-wealthy power brokers who know how to manipulate a crowd.

The generally religious, sometimes called “evangelical”, crowd seem to be genuinely tired of fighting their elders’ fundamentalism war.

If that be the case, then I suspect we’re in for the long haul of searching for new myths around which to center our culture.