
Reuters: Snowden Tricked Co-Workers Into Giving Him Their Passwords

ausador11/08/2013 12:27:49 pm PST

re: #121 Sol Berdinowitz

This was obviouls another Obama trap, letting the GOP froth and spew outrage until they were too intoxicated to notice that they were over the edge on this one, too.

CBS didn’t pay their source for the story, they just had their wholly owned subsidiary publishing house agree to pay him an advance for a publishing contract for a book he wrote about his “exclusive” Benghazi information.

It would have worked too, no one probably would ever have caught on if FOX news hadn’t seen their chance to damage the credibility of CBS. When FOX wanted to interview him and he demanded money first it kinda made it obvious to them that there had already been some kind of deal with CBS.

FOX decided that the proper thing to do was to damage the reputation of CBS as much as possible rather than broadcast questionable information. Even if it did further their own slanted narrative of the Benghazi attack and point to supposed government malfeasance.

“So remember, FOX is “Fair and Balanced” unlike CBS who pays people to lie to you and MSNBC who is simply a tool of the Democrats….”