
Luca Stricagnoli on Seven-String Acoustic Guitar - the Last of the Mohicans

HRH Stanley Sea3/09/2014 2:55:24 pm PDT

re: #136 CuriousLurker

I’m a liberal, even a progressive liberal, but I have a hard time understanding how a person with any critical thinking skills can appear to assert that certain cherry-picked “diary” pages posted at a single website are somehow indicative of what liberals and/or liberal progressives, as a group, think about complex issues (not all liberals are progressive and vice versa1). At best, all a diary is is one person’s opinion, an opinon which may collect up to several hundred mixed comments and dozens or even hundreds of up-votes.

How does that tiny little sample become representative of a group of millions? I never even go to DKos—the only time I see their articles are when someone (usually KT) posts them here, so I’m guessing that even though he claims to be a “classical liberal”, he reads them far more than I do. Strange that.

FWIW, I have nothing against DKos, I just don’t care for the site’s design and don’t find many of the diaries particularly interesting. As a matter of fact, apart from LGF I don’t read any political blogs—left, right or center—on a regular basis. I use LGF to gauge what’s happening on any given day, then I read the articles liked to (often from other political sources), and follow that up with looking for hard news on the stories I’m interested in. Finally, I come back here for discussion.

I guess I must not qualify as a real liberal, huh? //


1. “What are ‘Liberals,’ What are ‘Progressives,’ and Why the Difference Matters” PoliticusUSA. 15 June 2013. Retrieved 9 March 2014.

CL, great post.

The Daily Kos (i.e. Koz Kids) hate goes back a long way here. What’s hilarious is how the resident (I so yearn for the old days or something troll) is relying using it today.

oooga booga!