
A Spectacular Fiery Dance Video: Stardust

Birth Control Works1/03/2015 6:01:56 am PST

In case anyone is interested in the far-right Whacko version of things:

What the Chicago Magazine article fails to discuss is Cardinal Bernardin’s relationship with Saul Alinsky (famous Rules For Radicals author who dedicated his book to the first radical known to man “who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”)

Through this confusion, the radicals within the American Catholic Church hierarchy have been able to funnel millions upon millions of dollars that were given by faithful parishioners through the mandate of tithing to organizations that support outright Marxism, environmental justice, confounded versions of social justice, population control, so-called gay marriage, alternative family structures and labor organizations like the SEIU. With that money, those organizations continue to expand their agendas and propagate the message that Catholic teachings are out of step with American values.

So disturbed by the successes of groups including the NCCC in marrying organized labor and Marxist theory to the Catholic Church under the tutelage of an atheist and Marxist who was openly smitten with Satan (although, I’m not certain how you can find Satan’s rebellion inspiring while at the same time denying the existence of God) then-Cardinal Ratzinger on behalf of the Pope John Paul II published The Ratzinger Report in 1985 clarifying the true objective of Vatican II and instructing lay Catholics that organizations promoting the Seamless Garment and other non-Canonical values have no authority over official Catholic teachings.

“keep your enemies closer”