
Ted Cruz Will Announce Presidential Candidacy at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University

Mattand3/22/2015 1:45:05 pm PDT

So Clown Car 2016 officially commences. Somebody christen it with a seltzer water spray bottle.

I’ve noticed over the last few months that two members of the “I vote GOP no matter how fucked up we are” cadre* have dropped off the site**. I have to admit, I’m semi-curious as to what their take/insane justifications to the current GOP POTUS nomination freak show is.

*Officially, one would always hide behind the “My vote is my own” defense, implying some kind of mavericky independence which confounds the pundits. Which is their right.

However, most of the people I know who are in the “Trayvon Martin may have been a thug” camp tend to like elephants in their party’s logo.

**If they dropped off for serious real world concerns, I do hope they’re okay.