
Cruz Beclowned: Planned Parenthood Attacker Robert Lewis Dear Is Not a "Transgendered Left Wing Activist"

lawhawk12/01/2015 12:32:08 pm PST

Where the GOP’s going, they don’t need roads:

The highway bill passed (and it’s far from perfect, including that it hasn’t changed the gas tax to account for inflation and higher costs plus more efficient vehicles reducing the revenue available). But Malkin and other anti-tax nitwits think that the nation can function with no taxes at all. These people are delusional.

We’ve seen it with the FairTax/Flat Tax fraudsters. We see it with the tax cuts for the 1% and tax burden shifting from the rich to everyone else courtesy of GOP anti-taxers from the Norquist school of economic illiteracy.

And the result is a crumbling infrastructure that is woefully underfunded and has a backlog of work needed.