
Our Embarrassing President: Trump Escalates Trade War, Threatens European Carmakers

(((Viking Sea Mexican)))3/03/2018 3:29:37 pm PST

re: #99 Joe Bacon 🌹

What tax cut?

My health insurance premium went up by 18%.

Add in the 5% rent increase…

After this great $1.50 tax cut my paycheck has gone down by $58!

Thank You Lyin’ Ryan!

There are rumors here at work that we will be hit by a $150+ increase in the health care plan. And last year the government wanted to cut 2 work days per month, effectively a 10% salary cut. And we haven’t seen a salary raise in more than 10 years.

Between hurricane María, the high incompetence of the local government, the oversight board’s insistence on paying vulture capitalists over growing the economy, and the Ryan Tax Scam, it looks like things in Puerto Rico can get more dire.