
Seth Meyers: Trump's Mar-a-Lago Neighbors Don't Want Him to Move There

Captain Magic12/17/2020 4:09:43 am PST

re: #102 Deep State SuperElite Satinist

My old favorite Haight Street record store, Rooky Ricardo’s, is also still open

Up my way we have a pretty good-sized record store - since my hearing is so badly borked at some point I’ll probably go there and unload my records and turntable. Some of the discs I have are half-speed mastered (Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab, Nautilus) and others are Japanese pressings - all 3 of the above manufacturers used virgin vinyl (you can tell because they’re translucent when held up to a lightsource).

It’s a good thing that CD’s came out when they did: the quality of domestic record production was horrible (using re-ground vinyl, pressing hundreds of thousands discs using the same stamper disc causing audio distortions, etc.)