
Seth Meyers: House Votes to Hold Two More of Trump's Coup Accomplices in Criminal Contempt

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈4/08/2022 2:31:45 pm PDT

Lock them all up.

On paper, InfoWars parent company Free Speech Systems seems to lose money every year. Yet Jones has allegedly transferred significant amounts out of the company—financial transactions that often coincide with legal setbacks Jones has faced in the Sandy Hook cases. After the families sued him in 2018, for example, Jones allegedly started personally withdrawing a total of $18 million from the Free Speech Systems bank account over three years, along with drawing an annual $600,000 salary.

Many of the suspicious transfers center on a mysterious company called PQPR, which the plaintiffs claim is controlled by Jones and his family members. Shortly after Jones lost his last appeal to block the defamation cases in Texas, PQPR claimed that Free Speech Systems owed it $54 million—almost all of InfoWars’ assets.

Free Speech Systems began transferring its money to PQPR, then onto a series of shell corporations controlled by other Jones family members, according to the motion. While the payments were ostensibly made to pay off the hefty $54 million in arrears—a debt PQPR hadn’t bothered to enforce in the seven years during which InfoWars racked up the tens of millions in supposed debt—the plaintiffs say this was just a scheme to shelter InfoWars assets in an “alphabet soup of shell entities.”

“They’re transfers designed to siphon off [Jones’] assets to make them judgment-proof,” the lawyers allege.

Alex Jones Accused of ‘Jaw-Dropping’ Scheme to Hide Money From Sandy Hook Families (The Daily Beast)