
Jordan Klepper Fingers the Pulse - CPAC and the Hungarian Right | the Daily Show

Florida Panhandler4/15/2022 3:11:53 pm PDT

re: #129 darthstar

Would the federal government be out of line to prosecute him for impersonating a federal officer?

“Prosecution” of anything Abbott does would go about the same as any other Republican officials/high level MAGA seditionist and traitors… meaning pretty much no legal action or repercussions for Abbott’s political stunts and illegal activities at all.

It seems our present justice system starting with the DOJ all the way down to Manhattan DAs are intent on not only surviving a predestined Republican Party supermajority win in 2024, but positioning themselves to thrive in our new upcoming authoritarian MAGA Utopia. Gone is any sort of notion of ethics, rule of law or common decency based on the lack of arrests, prosecutions or prison sentences except for the very bottom MAGA rubes. In place of justice our legal overlords seem intent on their own personal positioning ahead of our impending utterly corrupt and ideologically backwards autocracy.

Expectations of blanket Presidential Pardons for everyone and everything involved in 1/6 is increasingly likely IMO along with Executive Orders bypassing Congress and the DOJ to arrest and “prosecute” Pelosi, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and other high profile Democrats in 2025 despite woeful evidence standards and sham testimonial “witnesses”. The average American either has no clue or is just fine with what is about to happen and our legal system is running for cover already in their current failing to follow through with the rule of law and throw Trump and his cohorts in prison.