
Covering the Churchill Trial

Rexatosis3/10/2009 9:32:00 am PDT

Ward Churchill is a disgrace whose only defenders are relics from the 60’s trying to relive their “glory days” as campus radicals or 60’s wannabe’s.

RE# 46 Livefreeordie

If you look at any of these hyphenated studies departments they have almost no students in them. They fill their classes with underclassmen required to take some course designated to fill a “diversity” requirement in the core curriculum (which magically seem to only be in hyphenated studies departments). If Universities and Colleges are forced by this economic downturn to actually to some cost/benefit studies these “departments” are in deep trouble, they cost a ton of money (Chair, Full-time Profs, Full-time staff, etc.) taking a chunk of fixed cost (offices, classes, energy) with no or little return (tuition, fees, research monies).

Re: # 53 wiffersnapper

Coming from a Ram, this Buff thanks you for rooting for dear ol’ CU on this. (I must say I do find Fort Fun to be a bit more like Boulder of a quarter of a century ago these days, a good town and good college, I enjoy my yearly business trip into town.) However the Buffs will still kick some Ram butt come the fall:) (The game should be a Folsom or Hughes not the diaphram grrr.)