
Overnight Ocean Thread

HoosierHoops11/01/2009 7:01:47 am PST

The Little Green Football Prayer List

Part one: We pray Father for our dear Lizards in need… Those that cry out for help and comfort in a dark hour.
The victims of the Philippine typhoons, the earthquakes in Indonesia, and the tsunami in Samoa..
Reine: Health and Family
gregb - 4 year old son who suffered a head injury last Friday and spent the
weekend in the ICU with some lingering effects all week.
Semper Fi – longtime friend and co-worker “Jim” diagnosed with intestinal cancer. Surgery to remove entire large intestine scheduled for the 6th of October. Also pray for his wife, Debbie.
Irish Rose… midlife retraining for a new career
Irish Rose I have a loved one who has been out of work now for almost 2 years.
I’m trying to cope with the loss of my little dog, Bayley. Had to have her put to sleep yesterday afternoon, she was my loving and faithful companion for 15 years and I’m just devestated.

2. I received word yesterday that my son is going to be working the flight deck on the USS Stennis for a month or two, helping train pilots for an upcoming middle eastern deployment. He worked the flight deck for months while out on the USS Nimitz, its’ a very dangerous environment and now he’s going back to it. I’d like to request prayers for his safety.

SteveC: Two friends, one needs heart surgery, and one might.

lurking faith… prayers for an aunt
Sanity Inspector: Wives Nephew: is in graduate school and is buckling under the strain. His relations with his mother are tense,
In Memoriam:
Obi Wan
USMC 1968
All our Troops who have died protecting our Freedom and their families.
Lord. Hear our Prayers

Part Two:
Please submit a story for next week of answered prayer and thanksgiving

Part three: Lord we pray for the Victims
Baghdad, Iraq (CNN) — At least 108 people were killed and 512 wounded in twin suicide car bombings near government offices in central Baghdad on Sunday morning, officials said.
The death toll was the worst in a single incident in Iraq for many months.
Two car bombs detonated in quick succession near Iraqi government buildings about 10:30 a.m., an Interior Ministry official said.

Part four:
Many lizards at LGF have Parents, children and friends living in the holy land…
Please submit their names here and your prayer for them
{ Names and prayers here}
Lord hear our cry

Part Five:
Our Military
Faith without Works is dead…

This Section is the special part of the prayer list… Please submit names below of our Military serving in the War Zone. We will collect names here and send $8.95 Post office packages for Christmas. These boxes are available at any post office and you can pick a name of a brave hero serving for our freedom and send a box for Christmas…
I will post a list of things to send… Canned Tuna, Chicken, (mega protein stuff) Hard Candies etc… You can stuff the box as much as it will handle without busting…
Save just enough room to slip in a card saying how much you appreciate them fighting for America…That you are praying for their Safety…
Your 9 dollar message of love and respect may end up in the hands of a Soldier during the Christmas season that hasn’t even had a shower in a week and has cleaned blood off his uniform in the middle of Hell. Your Prayer and package can make a difference…
Please list names of our hero’s below…
Link to the official Marine website:

{Air Force, Army, Marines names and posting here}