
Reid Apologizes for 'Negro Dialect' Comment

Fat Bastard Vegetarian1/09/2010 3:27:55 pm PST


90 American-African1/08/2010 10:17:23 am PST

I am new here, and joined up specifically after reading Mr. Johnson’s explanation for his split with the right. My understanding is he is still of a conservative mindset and agrees with questioning authority, however there is a way to go about doing so without all the unnecessary garbage. I did not vote for Bush, but because he was POTUS I supported him when I agreed with him and respectfully disagreed with him the rest of the 8 years he was in office. I had my children watch his addresses to the people as my father did.

I likewise support Obama, who I did vote for, though I want to hear people logically question him as they should have questioned Bush. I am no kool-aid drinking follower and believe we as Americans need to communicate via blogs in order to share real information not filtered by the far left or the far right.