
Live Feed: Hawaii Tsunami Watch on Twitter

Walter L. Newton2/27/2010 12:23:10 pm PST

re: #125 SixDegrees

Correct. Most of the work has been transferred to, I believe, Utah, although Area 51 itself remains closed.

They have an enormously long runway there, with an even more enormous runoff area, something like five miles in total length. Whatever was landing there was coming down fast. It’s probably kept as backup, much as Edwards AFB serves as backup for shuttle landings that can’t make KSC for some reason.

Sidenote: turns out the EAFB is the largest single user of renewable energy in the nation, with over 60% of it’s supply coming from renewable sources.

I know… when I worked for the DOE (remember Edwards is simply a DOE facility… wink… wink)… at the National Renewable Energy Lab, a lot of our research was tested there… but of course, a primary purpose was to make them self sufficient, keep them off the grid as much as possible… it wasn’t so much an interest in renewables.