
Tim Blair's Sock Puppet Lawsuit

What, me worry?4/03/2010 9:32:56 pm PDT

re: #101 austin_blue

But that’s because the Right accused her of using her son as a prop and you bought it. What if she was sincere in protesting an absolutely stupid incursion that resulted in the deaths of countless other mother’s sons? She became a whipping girl for the Right because, at a most fundamental level, she was correct.

There was no reason for her son to die in Iraq. Hussein was under our thumb, and Al Queda’s surrogates weren’t in Iraq until after we got there. Al Queda was on the Pakistan/Afghanistan border and we took our eyes off the prize and turned our attention to Hussein, because of some neo-con fever dream of victory.

I’m not saying she’s not entitled to her opinion, or even to protest for what she thinks is right, but after a time, she seemed to use her son as a crutch.

I don’t like the woman in the least. She freakin kissed Chavez. There were other things… she ran with the far left contingent.

I supported the war at the onset and did for many years. We’ll withdraw at some point, but we will never leave. Kinda like Hotel California.