
Video: What It's Like for a Dog in a Kennel on the Roof of a Car on a Freeway

SanFranciscoZionist4/17/2012 9:26:34 pm PDT

re: #135 ggt

I was thinking of sociopathy, people without conscience —see other’s as things.

I don’t see that in Nixon.

No, I wouldn’t say that Nixon was a sociopath at all. Antisocial is only one of a big bunch of personality disorders.

My favorite antisocial personality disorder story comes from a therapist who describes a very, very troubled young man sitting down in his office, and telling his parents with tears in his eyes how sorry he was for the pain he’d caused them, how he wanted to try again, and begging them for the chance to live at home.

His parents were in tears, holding him. The therapist started to slowly, dramatically, applaud.

The parent turn on the therapist…what’s the matter with you?

The kid grins at the therapist and says, “It was worth a try.”

Most interesting sociopath fact—in prison populations, a much higher percentage of white guys test as sociopaths than black guys.