
Dana Loesch Calls for an Investigation Into My Nefarious Scheme to Silence Her

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/02/2012 7:24:56 pm PDT

hey all!

My only meaningful comment on this nonsense (other than being really sorry that CJ and others have to contend with a sea of moron spew) is:

Did you ever notice how the essence of rightwingerism is fear and insecurity to such an extent that they must lash out at everything not on their approved list and try to bully everyone who doesn’t reassure their scared little world views?

Consider: everyone knows that the bully is an insecure, cry baby, coward. The bully loves to dish, but can’t take it. He or she suffers from such insecurity that he or she lives in a manufactured persecution complex. Some part of their mind suspects that their bullshit faade will crack under the slightest scrutiny and they can’t take it. Some part of their mind knows that they are either cynical, corrupt politicians who would be tarred and feathered if the public really woke up and understood how little they serve the public, or, in the case of the Loeschs or Limbaughs et al… none too bright soulless, con artists with a desperate fear that at some point the jig must become up, or their audience who know deep down that they are actually really f’n dumb, that the world scares them and that they can not feel superior for any particular accomplishment.

Consider how commie regimes and fascist regimes respond to any information that does not fit their meme. The dictator knows that the second the general populace wakes up enough to think “we could do better without that loser” he is on a short trip to the back of a wall or the end of a noose if he can’t flee his now enraged former subjects.

Now, no-one is talking about putting anyone wingnut against a wall… but the plutocrat and his pet politician knows that in a just world, prison would be waiting. The wingnut talking heads know that endless ridicule and more importantly the need to find an actual job is waiting. The little wingnut rank and file knows that the real world is waiting, where the truth is, being white doesn’t make him special, many women are vastly smarter than him, his lack of education makes him essentially useless and some brown or Asian or non-Christian person who actually did get an education will be his boss.

That is scary stuff… So of course they reflexively attack and attack and attack.