
Live Video: 2012 Dem Convention Day 2

ElCapitanAmerica9/05/2012 5:17:29 pm PDT

re: #136 freetoken


The challenge for the Obama re-election bid is that he has to get large turnouts in the swing states, and that won’t happen if there aren’t enough activists to make sure registrations are done and even election day transportation.

That’s what I figure, and I see the “energize” bit there. I’m guessing the calculus here is that there’s more votes to be gained than fighting apathy … however this also energizes the other side too … It seems somewhat risky to focus so much on it, I thought the healthcare bit showing that Romney would make pre existing conditions and lifetime caps an issue again was broader and had less downsides. Should be an area of focus (as was shown by the testimonial yesterday).