
Wingnut Christian Voyagers Who Were Lost in the Pacific Plan to Do It Again

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/16/2013 5:49:38 pm PDT

Since we’re on wingnuts:

Kansas GOP gives failing grade to Common Core

Top leaders of the Kansas Republican Party weighed in with strong language condemning mathematics and reading standards for public schools adopted by the state Board of Education, the party’s chairman said Monday.

The central committee of the Kansas GOP convened in Kansas City, Kan., to consider the resolution denouncing Common Core programs scheduled to become part of the classroom experience for K-12 students in Kansas and all but five U.S. states. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted standards associated with Common Core in 2010.


Attempts by Republican members of the Kansas Legislature to strip away state funding for Common Core failed to gain traction the past two years. A series of complaints emerged among foes of the Common Core, including concern the standards viewed evolution as fact and didn’t integrate creationism into instruction models.
