
Heritage Foundation's Jim DeMint Promises More Obamacare Insanity

Blind Frog Belly White10/18/2013 3:07:32 pm PDT

re: #138 ObserverArt

Hey, I got my email response from Heritage. How timely. They actually had someone answer my questions and does not appear to be a form letter. They glossed over my religious based questions, but they sure went into their policy on the mandate.

They more or less deny they had anything to do with the mandate saying they studied it as policy but did not invent it. They go on to give me some links to background on an amicus brief that Heritage filed with the 11th circuit court in May of 2011 in support of Heritage that clears their record on the issue.

I’m going to go through it and read the many links this weekend. If I get some time, I’ll try to break it down and see if I can get one those side pages built on it.

I don’t want to post the email as I feel that would be out of line, but I will explain their policy reasoning.

Oh yeah, it seems that if they are backtracking on their original research and policy they started sometime in early 2008. They point out that was before Obama was elected and when Obama was still opposed to the mandate.

Very interesting.

Yeah. Guess who was in favor of it?