
Luca Stricagnoli on Seven-String Acoustic Guitar - the Last of the Mohicans

Mattand3/09/2014 2:59:48 pm PDT

re: #136 CuriousLurker

Pretty much on the same page (pun semi-intended) with you about Kos. For whatever reason, I’ve never bothered to read it. I had an impression that it was far, far left for the longest time.

And like you, the only time I hear about it is when the resident libertarian* here points to it in order into get in their RDA of Balance Fariy. Which makes me think I’ve been wrong about it, given said libertarian’s view on other liberal media figures.

*From what I’ve read, there’s very little daylight between “classical liberal” and “libertarian”. Obdicut did a fairly brutal comparison a few years back as well.