
Video: Rachel Maddow on the Horrible SCOTUS Decision Allowing Anti-Choice Protesters to Harass Women

ObserverArt6/27/2014 6:47:03 am PDT

I’m not a constitutional lawyer…but can an interpretation of HIPPA laws and personal privacy rights be used to create zones of medical privacy around all medical facilities? Therefore covering abortion clinics.

What protester has the right to assume they can protest a health decision that should be private?

Also, can a reading of separation between Church and State also be used? This is surely a church versus state issue…not a legal health clinic issue.

If you don’t like a law then protest where the laws are made. Take it to City Hall, the County Courthouse, the State Capital, the US Capital…the Supreme Court.

So make a rule that ALL protests against any health law has to be taken to where the laws are made…not where healthcare is administered.