
Glenn Greenwald Smears Elizabeth Warren Using a Right Wing Attack Video

D Koch7/19/2014 6:37:36 pm PDT

This isn’t the first time Griftwald has cited wingnut sources to smear Democrats.

He’s a big #BENGHAZI Truther.

For a full week now, administration officials have categorically insisted that the prime, if not only, cause of the attack was spontaneous anger over the anti-Muhammad film, The Innocence of Muslims.


To date, numerous people believe - as though there were no dispute about it - that Muslims attacked the consulate and killed the US ambassador “because they were angry about a film”.

As it turns out, this claim is almost certainly false.


To the contrary, most evidence from the start strongly suggested that the White House’s claims - that this attack was motivated by anger over a film - were false.


The Obama White House’s interest in spreading this falsehood is multi-fold and obvious.


If the killing of the ambassador were premeditated and unrelated to the film, then it vests credibility in the criticism that the consulate should have been much better-protected, particularly on 9/11

He adopted and trafficked in all the wingnut lies and smears on BENGHAZI.

At this rate, by the time Obama boards Marine One for the last time on January 20, 2017, Griftwald will be citing Stormfront.