
The Dublin Guitar Quartet Performs Philip Glass String Quartets

BeachDem12/14/2014 10:41:27 am PST

In addition to blowing up campaign finance reform and giving the bank$ters the key to the safe…(bold mine)

Under the bill, trustees would be enabled to cut pension benefits to current retirees, reversing a 40-year bond with workers who earned their retirement packages. Voters in the District of Columbia who approved legalized marijuana will see their initiative vaporized, with local government prohibited from taxing or regulating the drug’s sale. Trucking companies can make roads less safe by giving their employees 82-hour work weeks without sufficient rest breaks. Pell grants for college students will be cut, with the money diverted to private student loan contractors who have actively harmed borrowers. Government financiers of overseas projects will be prevented from stopping funding for coal-fired power plants. Blue Cross and Blue Shield will be allowed to count “quality improvement” measures toward their mandatory health spending under Obamacare’s “medical loss ratio” provision, a windfall saving them millions of dollars…

(goes on to list more craptacular parts of it)

And even if the offending measures on derivatives and campaign finance were removed, all of that dreck would remain.

Every Democrat who lost re-election voted for it. They are probably angling for a future career in lobbying now.