
Monday Night Slam: Foo Fighters, "Congregation"

HRH Stanley Sea3/09/2015 8:49:55 pm PDT

re: #139 Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing

The interesting thing is, only one (out of 25) had heard of the Freedom Riders. It’s a mixed racial group, and I have a bunch of questions for them to think about. Before we watched, I explained that even though we had the Bill of Rights and the Civil War, minorities were still being denied their rights in the 60s, and if we couldn’t face the bad parts of our history, we wouldn’t be able to achieve the ultimate good in the future.

There were some brutal scenes in that first 45 minutes. I know what the second part holds, but it still makes me wince.

I had a major conversation with my 78 year old Mother tonight. She watches the news so knows the basics. I emailed her the DOJ report and requested she read it. She is aghast, she thought the 1960’s marches settled it.

I calmly, quietly, succinctly explained to her White Privilege. She got it so well.

Talk to everyone, explain to everyone. We have the bullhorn at the moment. Use it.