
Anti-Choice Groups Work With ALEC to Require "Fetal Death Certificates" for Miscarriages, Prevent Tissue Donations

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)7/26/2015 7:08:19 am PDT

re: #137 PhillyPretzel

Right now the GOP is getting desperate. They will tolerate Trump (the sump pump) and Christie to get a name that people will recognize and vote for. I personally believe that the Democrats have an excellent chance of getting into the White House.

I think they have a great chance of retaining it too. The problem the GOP has that its growth has been in places with demographics that are shrinking. The Dems OTOH have had growth with growing demographics. The Latino vote in particular has been vital to Obama’s success in states like Nevada, Colorado, and New Mexico. I’ll throw in Florida in there too and my own state of Virginia which a lot of people really don’t consider the rising Hispanic vote. There’s a reason why so many in the GOP are opposed to immigration reform and the DREAM Act in particular because they know when those Hispanic immigrants get naturalized, they’re not going to vote GOP mostly. Of course the GOP has only itself to blame for that. Same thing with Asians. The GOP is rapidly becoming the party of white people. Sure they have some high profile elected minorities but the rank and file is as white bread as ever.