
Marco Rubio: Close Down All the Places

ObserverArt11/20/2015 12:52:26 pm PST

A buddy and I were talking about Trump last night. We were still both wondering if this is the real Trump or is he still jacking around saying shit knowing it sells and he doesn’t buy a half of it? Can we really know?

Our reasoning, he was successful as a business man. He was the ultimate salesman, seemingly able to get major financial institutions to carry him, governments to cater to him and contractors to build his buildings. We are told he spent very little of his own money and used others. That does take some talent.

If he was as wacky as he seems now, some of this evil stuff he says as a candidate should have been revealed throughout his career. Sure he always had the big ego, but he never blurted out this crazy bigoted bullshit as far as I can remember.

So, again, is he bullshitting everyone? Is this the real Donald Trump, or was the younger Trump the real Donald? Or, is there a real Donald Trump and he is the great chameleon/shape-shifter that is what he needs to be for what ever he is getting over on?