
Joe Bonamassa Does Hendrix: "Are You Experienced?"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/12/2016 12:24:57 am PST

I guess we’re still counting…

At least 4 million California ballots left to be counted, likely adding to Clinton’s popular vote lead


The official total — 4,362,087 ballots — will undoubtedly change and possibly even grow over the next few days. Three counties, including vote-rich San Diego County, did not submit an estimate of unprocessed ballots for Thursday night’s statewide report.

In addition, California law says that any ballot postmarked by election day can still be counted if it arrives as many as three business days late. State officials have extended this year’s deadline to Monday, because that third day, Nov. 11, is a federal holiday.

More than 1 million of the pending ballots — almost one of every four — remain to be sorted and counted in Los Angeles County. Three-fourths of the ballots statewide were cast absentee, with the rest being provisional ballots cast on election day by voters whose registration information could not be quickly verified.
