
Christopher Hitchens Attacked in Beirut

calcajun2/18/2009 3:10:01 pm PST

re: #89 Thanos

There is a difference between “asking for it” and “deserving it”. If Hitch knew the punks were nearby and within sight while he defaced the poster, then he was asking for it.

If, on the other hand, he was three-sheets to the wind, oblivious to the world and decided to deface the poster without seeing who’s about, without taking a care for his own safety- or those around him—then under these limited and defined circumstances-I’d say he “deserved” what he got because of his recklessness, not because of his political or theological views.

No one deserves to be beaten by thugs like that, but you owe it to yourself to do what it takes not to be a victim. I say this as a person who has been mugged and knows how to recognize and avoid a dangerous situation.