
Still Think Nirthers Are a 'Fringe' Group? Think Again

~Fianna7/31/2009 11:22:12 am PDT

re: #51 iceweasel

I’m not sure. The South is IIRC the one geographic stronghold the GOP still maintains a demographic lock on. That is, it’s the one area where they’ve maintained numbers and not lost.

I think the problem may be that the GOP is focussing on that demographic base, rather than doing outreach. Which doesn’t bode well for party direction.

It’s also going to hurt in National elections. Those numbers show (among other things) a REALLY large geographic divide between the South and the rest of the country. As others have pointed out, there’s probably overlap with YEC belief, as well… unless the RNC modifies the way the national primary timeline is set up, it’s going to be hard for any candidate who isn’t Huckabee to do well, which is going to drive more moderates to the Dems.