
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/20/2009 6:19:06 pm PDT

re: #138 AJStrata

You see I hate glenn beck my dear troll friend. And Watt you see showed up on BEck many times. It is curious how if you dislike Beck you would like Watt.

Care to see him on Beck, look at this :)

Watts Up With Watts?

Youtube Video

So now before you say oops or fail or duh, consider BTW that this video also utterly debunks you other stupid and false claims. Watts is another shill just like the Heartland institute.

Also the scientists at NOAA refuted Watts bogus claims most effectively.

Care to see?

So where was I, oh yes, you are a hack, a fraud, a denier, and a bogus pompous idiot to boot.

FUrther, there are a lot more than just surface temperature readings, what about ocean based ones and sattelite readings?

Do they not count?

These are things that someone at NASA in the field would know about, since they actually deploy them…

So uhhh, last time I was at the Greenbelt facility, were you the guy who brought my coffee and messed that up too?