
Fox News Plays Video Games Again

Cineaste11/19/2009 11:29:42 am PST

re: #26 SixDegrees

FWIW, just this morning on BBC radio I heard a similar incident take place; the announcer segued to a clip that was introduced as someone in Namibia holding forth on dire conditions there, but what we heard was someone in Scotland yammering on about the beauty of some particular valley in the highlands. And our local public radio station makes similar gaffes on a regular basis.

Just sayin’. I haven’t watched any television news shows for a couple of decades except incidentally - while at the airport, for example, and even then it’s usually easy to find something else to do.

I think that what you’re talking about is when they cue the wrong package. The next segment is on the Space Shuttle launch and when they say “let’s go to our reporter” to talk about a kitten stuck in a tree you suddenly see footage of the space shuttle segment instead of the reporter. This is quite different, this is when they use b-roll to illustrate a story within the segment and they have consciously chosen the wrong footage. The segments are pre-packaged before the show but they are sequenced in real-time by the control room.

Also, comparing your local public radio station to one of the three international 24-hours news channels is like comparing a kid playing in Kentucky minor leagues to a shortstop for the Yankees.