

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)2/11/2010 6:29:17 am PST

re: #137

Yeah, I’d add our blind cat was perfectly happy with her life, too. She still liked the warmth of sun on her face and liked to hear people talking. It just slowed her down a little, but she was getting old anyway.

I miss that cat.

Here’s a cute/sad story about her:

She was really my older brother John’s cat. John is a tough, tough guy— he’s an animal wildlife biologist who does things like crawling into the dens of mother bears and their cubs to set up video recording and/or simply tranq the mom and gather data on everyone. He’s been bitten by a jaguar and chased by a polar bear. He is an intense, level-headed, unflappable guy who rarely shows his emotions.

When the cat— Spencer— died, we buried her on our property underneath this enormous pine tree. We spent some time digging a deep, deep hole for her, and then put her poor stiff body down at the bottom of the hole. John wedged a piece of stone above her to help prevent animals digging her up, and then turned to me, and said, simply, like a kid “Do you think she’ll be comfortable down there?”

It was the sweetest thing.

And of course I said yes.