
Video: The Cat Piano

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/26/2010 3:10:36 pm PDT

re: #128 HoosierHoops

My favorite email at work was at EA, when an incredibly pretentious preppie schmuck sent one at the end of his testing contract.

Basically, he said that EA is a big whore (which is true, but trite) and that everyone who continued to work for them was a big fucking whore too and deserved to be treated badly by them, since EA was a pimp (kinda contradictory). Also, he’d been developing his own game and we’d all weep at the beauty of it when we saw it. Also, he accused me specifically of harassing him by making him do work and stuff and cutting short his time spent developing that game.

I didn’t really make him do any work, because he was so shitty at doing it. I basically just yelled at him to at least look busy every once in awhile.

I don’t think he’s in the game industry anymore.