
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel4/28/2010 6:19:42 am PDT

Reproductive Rights roundup:

I know we had a post on the ultrasound measure, but I hope this was mentioned too:

A second measure passed into law on Tuesday prevents women who have had a disabled baby from suing a doctor for withholding information about birth defects while the child was in the womb.

Got that? So in OK, you’re forced to undergo an ultrasound in which the doctor or technician reads from a script, pointing out the fetus’ arms and legs, — even in cases of rape and incest.

AND, for ALL pregnant women, your doctor can ‘forget’ to tell you if the fetus is so horribly deformed that it will die an hour or so after delivery— and if that happens, you can’t sue your doctor for imposing his pro-life convictions on you (withholding information that could lead you to seek an abortion).

In other RR news, let’s see what else AZ is up to:

Arizona Becomes First State To Officially Limit Abortion Coverage In Health Insurance Exchanges

On Saturday, “at the Center for Arizona Policy Family dinner before 1600 guests,” Brewer signed SB 1305, the first-in-the nation bill that would prohibit insurers in the state-run health care exchange “from providing coverage for abortions unless the coverage is offered as a separate optional rider for which an additional insurance premium is charged.”

The new Arizona law is a radical mini Stupak. It prevents insurers from offering abortion services, except under the most extreme circumstances, even if only private money were used to pay for those services. Most if not all women in the exchange would only be able to purchase coverage through an impractical, separate abortion “rider” or leave the exchange entirely and find coverage in the shrinking individual health insurance market. Since it’s unlikely that many insurers will offer abortion riders or that women will purchase them in anticipation of needing an abortion — in fact, “in the five states where abortion riders are currently required, no insurance company offers them” — the Arizona law will severely disadvantage poorer women who would likely have to pay out of pocket for abortion services.

Fucking wingnuts— how do they work?