
Wired Journalists Say Chat Transcripts Contain 'Nothing Newsworthy'

Usually refered to as anyways12/30/2010 5:13:43 pm PST

re: #132 Aceofwhat?

fair enough. it is not necessary to lie in order to be an apologist. i am not accusing you of lying - far from it - but rather of tap-dancing around the main point.

and tap-dancing is not a crime, so it is a rather gentle accusation.

Ace, I don’t feel I’m tap dancing, I disagreed outright with Charles upthread.
This thread is about Wired / Greenwald

I think Greenwald has placed Lamo’s creditability on the issue of a dedicated server in question.

I believe thats suits Greenwald for better or worse.

Sure you and I won’t convict him on it, but we only ever have the net to have our convo’s over.
So we all speculate.

In what way do you see this as harming Greenwald?