
Video: Fox News vs. the President

Wozza Matter?2/06/2011 8:27:27 pm PST

re: #133 iossarian

Still in the box seat should Man U slip up further.

I have plenty of Arsenal friends, and am gradually coming round to appreciating Wenger (helped by the fact that they haven’t won anything for a few years now!).


There is no one out there who could possibly replace Wenger - when he took over we were 7th and going no where, first full season we won the double.

Arsenal are the lowest spenders in the top 5 of the league, but per million spent we have more league points and better finishes.

Arsenal don’t have the resources to compete with the Man Utd debt mountain or the Billionaire who runs chelsea - so we don’t try to compete on their spending.Our youth development system is much better than both of theirs too.