
Hitchens: Cynicism by the Book

Ziggy_TARDIS4/04/2011 6:19:48 pm PDT

I think I know the next story the Pamela Geller crowd is going to use to bash us. I found this on Wikinews:

A female boxer has been shot in her dressing room before a world championship title fight by her stepfather in Berlin, Germany. Lebanese born Rola El-Halabi was shot in the hands, knees, and feet while she was preparing for the fight. She survived the shooting but may never be able to return to the ring. Two security guards were also injured in the attack.

There’s a hitch in the argument that Geller is going to use, which is the Honor Killing issue:

Malte Mueller-Michaelis, her promoter, commented on her condition saying “Her operation went smoothly, but the shots were intended to end her career and it seems almost certain that that will happen.” It is believed that the shooting was due to El-Halabi’s decision to stop working with her stepfather as her manager.