
Jews and Muslims Join Forces Against California Anti-Circumcision Initiative

Bob Levin6/01/2011 3:05:37 pm PDT

re: #140 APox

Sorry to drag you back once more, but…

My simple point is this: I don’t give a flying flip what you do as an adult. Tattoo yourself from head to toe, get circumcised, change sexes, whatever. I just called into question the idea that it is done to infants who have no say in the matter.

If this was some new fad, I think many Jewish families might have some misgivings. But we are now looking at a sample size of billions, over thousands of years, and I think I can speak for the collective here, we are ecstatic with the results. As Alouette’s son said, we’d be upset if it weren’t done. So, in a sense, as we do this for our children, we are making the decision as adults, that we wanted it done.