
Sen. Rand Paul: A Fan of Conspiracy Wacko Alex Jones

makeitstop8/15/2012 12:45:52 pm PDT

Somebody nudge Mustaine in the ribs and tell him to turn off Alex Jones… and then STFU.

During MEGADETH’s August 7 performance at Fort Canning in Singapore, Mustaine took an opportunity to address the crowd after someone threw a shoe onstage. The four-minute speech, which can be seen below, began innocently enough, with the frontman calling out the person that threw the shoe (“that’s what happens when cousins fuck”) and playfully making fun of a fan who kept interrupting him during his speech. He then launched into a brief rant against Obama, saying, “Back in my country, my president [makes puking sign with his finger in his mouth], he’s trying to pass a gun ban, so he’s staging all of these murders, like the ‘Fast And Furious’ thing down at the border; [the massacre in] Aurora, Colorado, all the people that were killed there; and now the beautiful people at the Sikh temple [near Milwaukee, Wisconsin].”