
A Great NYT Piece on FISA Courts and the NSA

Heywood Jabloeme7/07/2013 5:16:38 pm PDT

re: #102 HSG

You already have that — that’s what the judge does.

The FISA court is acting like a magistrate, where only one party appears. It’s always in camera.

Unless you’re a terrorist or associate with terrorists, you’re not affected by what the FISA court does. You’re not a party to the proceedings. That’s the judge’s function — he/she’s representative of the people. He/she is the one who is the check against the prosecution if the latter’s argument is insufficient.

This is no different than a magistrate court. I think a lot of people are over-reacting without understanding what this court does — it’s not holding trials.

HSG - read the article. Everyone that makes a phone call in the US is effected by what the “FISA court does”. The artcle says that the NSA relies on a FISA ruling to allow it to collect Metadata. I know that you denied the fact that this gives the ACLU standing to sue but MOST experts disagree.