
"Quite Literally Demon-Possessed"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/22/2013 12:33:04 pm PST

Speaking of religious fundamentalism knowing no boundaries, I don’t really know what to make of the following:

King Arthur ‘fundamentally wrong’ on Stonehenge skeletons

Pagan campaigner King Arthur Pendragon’s “absolutism” campaign against the display of Neolithic bones at the new Stonehenge Visitors’ Centre has been likened to the fundamentalism of Islamists or the Westboro Baptists, and a “quiet majority” of pagans do not share his views.

That was the view of pagan archaeologist Will Rathouse, who said he feared the vociferous campaign demanding the reburial of bones found during digs in and around Stonehenge could seriously divide the pagan community in Britain.

Speaking to the Western Daily Press, Mr Rathouse, an expert from the University of Wales, said his research indicated that a quiet majority of pagans either did not care about the issue, or actively supported the displaying of bones at the centre, which opens next month.

King Arthur has pledged to organise a “direct action” protest at the opening of the centre in the week before the winter solstice, and has protested at museums and English Heritage offices around the West in the past few weeks. He said it “offends common decency” to put the bones of humans buried at Stonehenge on public display, and likened the new visitors’ centre to a “Victorian freak show”.


Nice threads though:

Former trucker turned Pagan ‘leader’, King Arthur Pendragon, was in Bristol earlier this week to protest outside the offices of English Heritage about plans to display the bones of his ancestors at a new Stonehenge exhibition PICTURE: SIMON GALLOWAY