
Video: Lawrence O'Donnell Debates Snowden With Steve Clemons and John Schindler

Dark_Falcon12/18/2013 7:30:13 am PST

re: #139 Sol Berdinowitz

I don’t see how you can say you believe in those things and not call yourself a fundie.

It is simple: A fundamentalist believes that the bible has to be taken literally in its entirety. I do not believe that. But it is part of the bedrock tenants of Christianity, as codified at the Council of Nicea (in which the real-life St. Nicholas played an important role), that Jesus was the son of God, was born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified, died and was resurrected.

My believing those things does not, however, lead me to believe that biblical dietary laws and punishments should be imposed, nor that the law must or should conform to Christian religious tenants.