
Tom Perkins, "Holocaust Victim," Wants The Rich People To Have All The Votes

simoom2/14/2014 12:59:22 pm PST

Greenwald sniping at his former employer and his Snowden book competition:

TPM: Glenn Greenwald Calls Guardian Book On Snowden ‘Bullshit’

Greenwald’s more abrasive side surfaces when the subject turns to a Guardian book, The Snowden Files, by Luke Harding, published in early February. “It is a bullshit book,” he says. “They are purporting to tell the inside story of Edward Snowden but it is written by someone who has never met or even spoken to Edward Snowden. Luke came here and talked to me for half a day without [my] realising that he was trying to get me to write his book for him. I cut the interview off when I realised what he was up to.”

At the time of our lunch, Greenwald had only read extracts from Harding’s book, which he thought put far too much emphasis on some youthful anonymous online posts that Snowden once wrote. Later, after reading the whole book, he would tell me by email that it did not trash Snowden.

At the time of our meeting, though, he was clearly angry about it. “One of the things about the Guardian that I really disliked is that they used Julian Assange and WikiLeaks and got a lot of benefit from publishing the material [diplomatic cables leaked by Bradley Manning] and then completely turned into being his leading demoniser.”

Greenwald has his own Snowden book, due for publication in April, which will be his attempt to explain what to make of the NSA scandal.