
The Incredibly Stupid Republican Obsession With Benghazi Ramps Up Again

makeitstop5/02/2014 11:33:49 am PDT

I don’t know if this has been shared here, but I think it’s brilliant.

The Story of Barack Obama (as told by Conservatives)

Barack Obama was born in Kenya. His father was the communist Frank Marshall Davis, who taught the young Barack the ways of Communism.

At some point, Barack Obama Sr. came into the picture and pretended to be Barack Obama’s real father. He taught his “son” to hate the British because of their behavior in colonial days. The Obamas posted a birth announcement in a Hawaii newspaper in order to fake their son’s birth on U.S. soil.

Obama attended a Madrassa in Indonesia, where he grew up. This is where he learned to be a Muslim.

Obama then decided to adopt the name “Barry” as part of his long-standing plot to fake being American.

Much more there. Delicious snark, just like Mom used to make.