
Jacob Collier Jams With His Fans via Video

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷9/03/2016 6:36:58 am PDT

But conservatives can’t help themselves. They really are despicable toward us.

I decided to keep my Gold Star Family license plates (and had the replacements sent back). I’ll be damned if conservatives shove me into the closet.

Mr. and Mrs. Khan: We have a lot of differences. I was born here, you are immigrants. You are Muslims, I am an atheist.

We also share something: We both lost a family member in combat in support of this nation, which is already great. My heart goes out to you on the loss of your son, who answered the call of his nation. You have every right to be angry, as does every person who lost a spouse, a son, a daughter, a sibling, or a parent, while the man and his surrogate who attacked your free speech rights called VD his personal Vietnam.

These are the people who are attacking you (and by extension, all of us). They are not patriots. They are not Christians. They spew their hatred on-line because in their hearts, that’s all they have. They neither believe in free speech nor freedom of religion. They only support us on Memorial Day and Veterans Day for photo ops. They are craven.

They are the sort of people I turned away when I was a Navy recruiter, because these sorts of “patriots” I would not have wanted to served with when I was in the Fleet.