
New From Seth Meyers: Trump and the GOP Are Trying to Destroy the Post Office

Jay C8/18/2020 5:56:30 am PDT

re: #138 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I mean I don’t like John Kasich but if you’re an independent voter. Who are you gonna be persuaded by? Kasich or the Missouri gun couple or Nick Sandmann. The RNC seem to think the average voter cares about this shit. The DNC otoh chose a guy, a jerk imo but one that has proven to be popular in an important battleground state. We’re playing chess. They’re sticking the chess pieces up their nostrils.

And since their endgame move is probably likely to be kicking the table over, anyway, it doesn’t matter. You’re right that to “normal” voters, a national Convention (however staged) showcasing freakshows like Sandmann or the McCloskeys is going to be offputting, but then again, the Trump Republicans don’t seem to give much of any shits about any voting bloc but their hardcore, fearful, hate-driven “base”. And getting that “base” to turn out in near-unanimous numbers is the only real strategy left to them. And they will stoke any and every fear, hate, resentment and paranoia they can to achieve it.