
A Rare Friday Night Colbert: The President Is Slithering Off to Mar-a-Lago but the MAGA Menace Isn't Going Away

Anymouse ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿก๐Ÿ˜ท1/16/2021 8:32:46 am PST

Alex McFarland (American Family Association, who has a podcast and radio show) in an interview.

When asked whether he believed the American Revolution was biblically justified, McFarland said, โ€œI donโ€™t know that the American Revolution was completely justified from a biblical sense.โ€ But McFarland also said, โ€œIโ€™m not going to say that the American Revolution was not justified.โ€

He added, โ€œI would say this, that big tech, and the U.S. government of 2021, is morally, spiritually, economically, much more oppressive than Britain in the colonies of 1776. I mean that seriously. At least the Brits werenโ€™t forcing the children of the colonists to become atheists.โ€

No one is forcing anyone to become an atheist, you lying asshat. (But Lying for Jesus has been a sport ever since the IV Century.)

We are showing how morally vacuous your religion is though.