
National Intelligence Council Nominee: 'What 9/11 Showed is That If We Bomb People, They Bomb Back'

FrumiousFalafel3/07/2009 11:20:28 am PST

Chas Freeman is truly a dangerous man. Paraphrasing, he said China “went too easy on the Tienanmen Protesters”. Paraphrasing again, he said “Israel is the basic cause of all Middle East Wars.” (Ya gotta love that one).

Hi surreptitious appointment by Dennis Blair may be the only real weak spot that can be used to bring him down since there are administration officials still considerably higher in rank than Blair.

Another weak spot though is the newly formed Inspector General’s investigation into his massive Saudi money connections. I’m personally pessimistic here because half of Washington DC is on the Saudi payroll (OK, slight exaggeration) — but definitely true among the so-called foreign policy “realists.” (think James Baker et al.)

Israel: get ready for a rough ride.