
Another Stealth Creationism Bill Dies, No One Mourns

theotherwaldo3/29/2009 5:34:48 pm PDT

What an unusual debating technique. Do you always attack those that agree with you? And your language! So High Road! I suspect that you are a very lonely person.

Anyway, as a librarian and former middle-school teacher, I know the dangers of allowing anything into the curriculum. Once it is in, it can never be entirely removed. Evolution exists and continues. That is a fact. The ever-changing theories that are under the umbrella of Evolution are merely theories.

If you had bothered to check the current science curriculum for middle and high school you would find that it is stuffed full of old and dis-proven “facts” which cannot be removed or modified because they are part of the accepted curriculum.

I agree that creationism has no place in the science classroom. I insist that other untruths should not be dubbed as facts and added to the curriculum simply because they have, at one time or other, been part of the theory of evolution.

The scientific method must be followed or it is not science.

Now go ahead. Cry “Heretic” and wave your torch on high.